Our CSR approach has been built throughout generations.
In line with our values of quality, pleasure, sharing and passion, it is only natural that we have added the value of commitment.
Commitment at Nicolas, is thinking of our customers at every stage of our business cycle. To make our stores places that welcome sharing, allows us to find products rigorously selected by our oenologists.
Nicolas is committed to the ethical management of its operations. Transparency and responsibility are present in our daily actions.
Today more than ever before, we know that every action counts, and all the actions we carry out towards sustainable development will have an impact on the future of our environment.
This is how we act and think, to build Nicolas’ future.
Being a distributor of wines, champagnes, spirits and beers for decades, we are aware of the impacts of our operations and therefore make a daily effort to limit them.
We separate and recycle all wastes produced from our sales activity: card, plastic, paper, glass, cork, etc., there is more than 500 tons of waste per year.
To better control and reduce our energy consumption, we have installed LED lighting throughout our warehouse and offices. This lighting is also gradually being Implemented in our stores. To limit the use of air-conditioning in our stores, we have placed an anti-UV solar film on the windows that rejects 99% of ultra violet rays and saves more or less 5° on the temperature in our windows.
We require that all fleet vehicles used to transport NICOLAS merchandise to our stores respect the CO2 charter (ADEME*).
People are at the heart of our business. Our profession, as merchants, stands before the story of Men and Women, driven by the shared passion for a product.
It was these Men and Women who, since 1822, have dedicated their skills to serving our customers.
We are committed to training each person who join the company through a training course. Each wine merchant who joins Nicolas attends a mandatory 5-week training. At the end of the training, they participate in a competition in front of a jury who will test the knowledge acquired and welcome them into the Nicolas network. Each year, a training program is offered to employees to update everyone’s knowledge.
We are dedicated to developing our relationships: every year events are organised to bring together the headquarters, logistics and stores teams, to develop common ideas with the aim of continuous improvement.
This is because we are convinced that it is TOGETHER that we will develop our greatest successes for the years to come.